
[추천 시스템(RS)] Matrix Factorization 본문

딥러닝 템플릿/추천시스템(RS) 코드

[추천 시스템(RS)] Matrix Factorization

코딩걸음마 2022. 7. 19. 04:29

Matrix Factorization의 자세한 설명은 아래링크를 확인하자


요약하면 Matrix Factorization(MF)는 User와 Item 간의 평가 정보를 나타내는 Rating Matrix를 User Latent Matrix와 Item Latent Matrix로 분해하는 기법을 말한다.

Rating Matrix는 (User의 수) * (Item의 수)로 구성된 행렬이다.

각 칸에는 각 유저가 기록한 해당 아이템에 대한 평가가  기록된다. 평점 Data는 Sparse Matrix(희소행렬)가 되기 마련인데, MF는 이러한 행렬 분해 과정에서 이러한 빈칸을 채울만한 평점을 예측하는 과정이라고 볼 수 있다.




SVD 특이값 분해의 예시
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from math import sqrt
from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tqdm

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

1. 데이터 불러오기

path = '파일경로'
ratings_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(path, '파일명.csv'), encoding='utf-8')



(100836, 4)
   userId  movieId  rating  timestamp
0       1        1     4.0  964982703
1       1        3     4.0  964981247
2       1        6     4.0  964982224
3       1       47     5.0  964983815
4       1       50     5.0  964982931

약 10만개의 평점데이터를 활용하여 분석해봅시다.

사용한 데이터는 movielens Data입니다.


2. Train-Test set 분리

train_df, test_df = train_test_split(ratings_df, test_size=0.2, random_state=1234)


이 예시에서는 train data중 1000개만 사용했습니다.

train_df = train_df[:1000]  #1000개만 사용하자


3. Sparse Matrix 생성

sparse_matrix = train_df.groupby('movieId').apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x['rating'].values, index=x['userId'])).unstack()
sparse_matrix.index.name = 'movieId'

sparse_matrix = sparse_matrix.fillna(0)

# fill sparse matrix with average of movie ratings
sparse_matrix_withmovie = sparse_matrix.apply(lambda x: x.fillna(x.mean()), axis=1)

# # fill sparse matrix with average of user ratings
# sparse_matrix_withuser = sparse_matrix.apply(lambda x: x.fillna(x.mean()), axis=0)
#DataFrame --> numpy기준으로 모두 바꿔주어야 함
sparse_matrix = sparse_matrix.to_numpy()
sparse_matrix_withmovie = sparse_matrix_withmovie.to_numpy()


array([[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.]])



4.  Matrix Factorization 실행

class MF():
    def __init__(self, R, K, alpha, beta, iterations):
        Perform matrix factorization to predict empty
        entries in a matrix.
        - R (ndarray)   : user-item rating matrix
        - K (int)       : number of latent dimensions
        - alpha (float) : learning rate
        - beta (float)  : regularization parameter
        self.R = R
        self.num_users, self.num_items = R.shape
        self.K = K
        self.alpha = alpha  #learning rate
        self.beta = beta #regularization term
        self.iterations = iterations #epoch

    def train(self):
        # Initialize user and item latent feature matrice
        #User - item 관계의 matrix를 생성
        self.P = np.random.normal(scale=1./self.K, size=(self.num_users, self.K))
        self.Q = np.random.normal(scale=1./self.K, size=(self.num_items, self.K))
        # Initialize the biases
        self.b_u = np.zeros(self.num_users)
        self.b_i = np.zeros(self.num_items)
        self.b = np.mean(self.R[np.where(self.R != 0)])
        # Create a list of training samples
        # 0보다 큰경우에만 traing sample로 사용한다. 
        # 0 은 관측되지 않은 data로 간주함
        self.samples = [
            (i, j, self.R[i, j])
            for i in range(self.num_users)
            for j in range(self.num_items)
            if self.R[i, j] > 0
        # Perform stochastic gradient descent for number of iterations
        training_process = []
        for i in range(self.iterations):
            mse = self.mse()
            training_process.append((i, mse))
            # if (i+1) % 10 == 0:
            print("Iteration: %d ; error = %.4f" % (i+1, mse))
        return training_process

    def mse(self):
        A function to compute the total mean square error
        xs, ys = self.R.nonzero()
        predicted = self.full_matrix()
        error = 0
        for x, y in zip(xs, ys):
            error += pow(self.R[x, y] - predicted[x, y], 2)
        return np.sqrt(error)

    def sgd(self):
        Perform stochastic graident descent
        for i, j, r in self.samples:
            # Computer prediction and error
            prediction = self.get_rating(i, j)
            e = (r - prediction)
            # Update biases
            self.b_u[i] += self.alpha * (e - self.beta * self.b_u[i])
            self.b_i[j] += self.alpha * (e - self.beta * self.b_i[j])
            # Create copy of row of P since we need to update it but use older values for update on Q
            P_i = self.P[i, :][:]
            # Update user and item latent feature matrices
            self.P[i, :] += self.alpha * (e * self.Q[j, :] - self.beta * self.P[i,:])
            self.Q[j, :] += self.alpha * (e * P_i - self.beta * self.Q[j,:])

    def get_rating(self, i, j):
        Get the predicted rating of user i and item j
        prediction = self.b + self.b_u[i] + self.b_i[j] + self.P[i, :].dot(self.Q[j, :].T)
        return prediction
    def full_matrix(self):
        Computer the full matrix using the resultant biases, P and Q
        return self.b + self.b_u[:,np.newaxis] + self.b_i[np.newaxis:,] + self.P.dot(self.Q.T)

4 -1. Train MF

mf = MF(sparse_matrix, K=600, alpha=0.1, beta=0.01, iterations=30)

mf = MF(sparse_matrix, K=잠재요인 행렬차원 수, alpha=learning rate, beta=정규화 정도, iterations=epochs)

training_process = mf.train()


Iteration: 1 ; error = 25.2549
Iteration: 2 ; error = 21.6429
Iteration: 3 ; error = 19.1403
Iteration: 4 ; error = 17.2063
Iteration: 19 ; error = 5.0117
Iteration: 20 ; error = 4.5855
Iteration: 21 ; error = 4.1998
Iteration: 22 ; error = 3.8510
Iteration: 23 ; error = 3.5384
Iteration: 24 ; error = 3.2573
Iteration: 25 ; error = 3.0125
Iteration: 26 ; error = 2.7913
Iteration: 27 ; error = 2.5980
Iteration: 28 ; error = 2.4223
Iteration: 29 ; error = 2.2667
Iteration: 30 ; error = 2.1289




array([[4.91006501, 5.00318751, 4.58333199, ..., 4.00383646, 3.7725352 ,
       [4.13546034, 4.2276779 , 3.80725154, ..., 3.22806173, 3.02965593,
       [3.68031736, 3.77251815, 3.35199727, ..., 2.77277242, 2.55578367,
        2.9140627 ],
       [4.07696013, 4.1691228 , 3.74852484, ..., 3.16960148, 2.95167586,
       [4.40725566, 4.49976066, 4.0790016 , ..., 3.4997886 , 3.28313181,
        3.6412904 ],
       [3.88154557, 3.97378338, 3.55307772, ..., 2.97406229, 2.75847232,

4 -2. 시각화

x = [x for x, y in training_process]
y = [y for x, y in training_process]
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.xticks(x, x)
plt.ylabel("Mean Square Error")
